Not all fish is safe to eat, 84 percent of fish contains high levels of mercury and cause health problems. A highly toxic metal called Methylmercury, 80 percent of it is found deep in the ocean, which is why fishes that feed from the bottom has the highest levels. Coal burning plants spread out mercury pollution that comes from Asia and it's toxins go into the ocean. The fish that feeds off the top of the ocean surface does not have a high level of mercury like the flying fish and the yellowfin fish because the sunlight helps break it down. The fish that feeds on the deep level of the ocean has high levels of mercury because the metal binds together with bacteria and sinks to the bottom then small fish eat it then bigger fish it the smaller fish and so on. The fish with high levels of mercury is the Pacific bluefin tuna, swordfish, lantern fish, moonfish, bigeye, skipjack tuna and king mackerel. Methlmercury can have a serious affect on children. It can harm the development of the brain and nervous system. If unborn babies is exposed to the toxin it can impair there memory, attention, language, fine motor, and other physical and mental skills.