Friday, October 11, 2013

Tumor and Cancer

Tumor is a swelling part of the body caused by an abnormal growth of tissue, whether benign or malignant. Benign tumor is a mass of cells that lacks the ability to move to other tissues or metastasize. Benign tumors are not cancerous. They have a slow growth rate. Moles are a common benign tumor. Malignant tumors can spread to different tissues and to other parts of the body. It interrupt organ function. Malignant tumors are cancerous. When it begins to spread it is called metastasis when it moves from its original site. Cancer is a disease group that has cells that are unregulated in growth. With cancer the cells divide and spread rapidly.  Carcinoma begins in tissue that lines the inner or outer surface of the body. It comes from cells in the endodermal or ectodermal. Sarcoma is cells that are transformed of mesenchymal origin. Found in bone, cartilage, fat, muscle, vascular, or hematopoietic tissues. Cancer that is formed in blood tissues are leukemia and lymphomas, they are found in bone marrow, spleen, and lymph nodes.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Sexual and Asexual Reproduction

Asexual reproduction is when a offspring is made my one parent that inherits the genes and traits from that one parent. These occur with single-celled organisms like archaea, bacteria, protists, plants and fungi. Prokaryotes organism reproduce asexually which uses conjugation, transformation and transduction. Plants is a great example of asexual reproduction and star fish. Sexual reproduction is a process that creates a new organism by combing the genetic material of two organisms which occurs in eukaryotic and prokaryotes organisms. This is when two parents join so they can form an offspring. This offspring will get genes and traits from both parents. Sexual reproduction occurs when a female and a male come together. The best example is humans.

Gregor Mendel

Gregor Johann Mendel was born July 20 1822 and died January 6 1884. It has been said that he is the founder of the new science of genetics. Mendel is known as the " father of modern genetics". He is known for Mendel's Laws which was the Law of Segregation (the "First Law") and the Law of Independent Assortment ( the "Second Law"). The Law of Segregation states that every individual possesses a pair of alleles for any trait and each parent passes a allele to its offspring. The Law of Independent Assortment states that separated genes for separate traits are passed independently of one another from parents to offspring. Mendel started out his experiments on pea plants. He came up with dominant and recessive alleles by crossing over.

Enzyme Inhibitor - Ibuprofen

Ibuprofen is a NSAID or a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. It works along with a compound called prostaglandins. It can also be known as local hormones because they work where they are made and not all over the body. Ibuprofen is a painkiller and a antipyretic which helps the process of the prostaglandins. It interferes with an enzyme called cyclo-oxygenase. It is made up of a compound called arachidonic acid. There is more things that is similar to ibuprofen like aspirin. Ibuprofen are enzyme inhibitor which is a molecule that binds enzymes and decreases their activity. This can kill pathogen or correct metabolic imbalance.


Goiter is swelling of the thyroid gland, this lead to swelling of the neck or larynx. This is an enlargement of the thyroid referred to as thyromegaly.  Hypothyroidism is related to goiter, the symptoms are weight loss and heat intolerance. Hypothyroidism is when the thyroid gland do not produce enough of thyroid hormones thyroxine and triiodothyronine. The most common cause of goiter is iodine deficiency, mostly where there is a lack of iodized salt. Worldwide 90.54 percent is caused by the lack of iodine. There is three different growth patterns uninodular (struma uninodosa), multinodular (struma nodosa), diffuse (struma diffuse). It size is classified in three different sizes class I (palpation struma) : can not be seen, class II: can be easily seen, class III: very large.,_Diffuse_Hyperplasia.jpg

Charles Darwin

Charles Darwin was born February 12 1809 and died April 19 1882. He was an naturalist and geologist. He is known for the evolutionary theory, which is the theory of changes in organic design through controlled random mutations and contingent selection. He said that all species have a common ancestor. He combined his thoughts and theory with Alfred R. Wallace and they came up with natural selection. Natural selection is the natural process of biological traits. Darwin compared natural selection to artificial selection and called it selective breeding. He published a book in 1859 called On the Origin of Species. The book is said to be the foundation of evolutionary biology. The book introduce the scientific theory. Charles Darwin had a huge impact on the science world.'s_theory

Dolly the Cloned Sheep

The first mammal to be cloned was a sheep named dolly. Dolly name came form Dolly Parton. Ian Wilmut and Keith Campbell cloned her from an adult somatic cell using nuclear transfer. Dolly was made from a mammary gland. The two men that preformed this experiment was colleagues at the Roslin Institute which was also associated with the University of Edinburgh. Somatic cell is a biological cell that forms the body of an organism. During the process of nuclear transfer the cell from the adult cell is transferred into an unfertilized oocyte that has had it's nucleus removed. Dolly was born on July 5 1996 and she died when she was six years old, on February 14 2003. She died from a lung disease. While Dolly was alive she was bred with a Welsh Mountain ram and they had six lambs. Bonnie was the first lamb she had, he was born April 1998. The following year she had a set of twins lamb named Sally and Rosie. The next year she had triplets named Lucy, Darcy and Cotton. By the age of four Dolly had arthritis, but it was successfully treated with anti-inflammatory drugs. Dolly legacy goes on for being the first successfully cloned mammal.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Fish vs Mercury

Not all fish is safe to eat, 84 percent of fish contains high levels of mercury and cause health problems. A highly toxic metal called Methylmercury, 80 percent of it is found deep in the ocean, which is why fishes that feed from the bottom has the highest levels. Coal burning plants spread out mercury pollution that comes from Asia and it's toxins go into the ocean. The fish that feeds off the top of the ocean surface does not have a high level of mercury like the flying fish and the yellowfin fish because the sunlight helps break it down. The fish that feeds on the deep level of the ocean has high levels of mercury because the metal binds together with bacteria and sinks to the bottom then small fish eat it then bigger fish it the smaller fish and so on. The fish with high levels of mercury is the Pacific bluefin tuna, swordfish, lantern fish, moonfish, bigeye, skipjack tuna and king mackerel. Methlmercury can have a serious affect on children. It can harm the development of the brain and nervous system. If unborn babies is exposed to the toxin it can impair there memory, attention, language, fine motor, and other physical and mental skills.


Walruses affected by Global Warming

As ice began to melt in Alaska, walruses are starting to crowd together on the Alaskan beach. The walruses are moving due to the climate warming. The beach is 700 miles from Anchorage were the change in global warming is melting their habitats (ice floes). Close to 10,000 walruses crammed together on the tiny beach. The number of walruses has change rapidly. Walruses weigh up to 3,700 pounds which is a lot of weight on such a tiny surface. September 12th there was 2,000 to 4,000 walruses on the beach, about a week and a half later the number doubled. With big crowds like this they can be easily scared and they will move to a different location to feel safe. While doing this they leave the younger walruses behind and they are often killed. Where the walruses is moving to there are gray whales calves.


Tuesday, October 1, 2013


Sinkholes are a natural depression or a hole that is formed when surface layers collapse. Sink holes can vary in size from 3.3 to 2,000 feet in diameter and depth. They can form gradually over time or suddenly. Sink holes could happen naturally or artificially. Natural sinkholes can be formed by water draining or standing still and can also be formed in dry places. The process of forming a sinkhole is from erosion or removal of bedrock, as the rock underneath the ground dissolves or is washed away the ground becomes weak which then cause the ground to collapse. Artificial sinkholes are formed by humans. Artificial sinkholes can form from old mine that was closed off and the ground above it finally gave in, which means it is not a sinkhole because it was not natural. Sinkholes can also occur when water lines break, sewer collapse or old pipes give away.

Fruit Flies

Fruit flies often feed on fruits that's how they get there name but they also eat other varieties of food. They like their food to be decaying or fermenting. They reproduce very quickly and are extremely small in size. Which makes them easy to move to place to place. There is a small variety of fruit flies. the adult flies are .008 to .2 inches long or 2 to 5 millimeters long. Some fruit flies can be very large and look like regular house flies. One type of fruit flies is Drosophilidae which have around 1,500 different species. They have a red or reddish brown color and clear wings. The other type of fruit flies is Tephritidae which have 5,000 different species. They have colorful wings which is referred to peacock flies.

What is the color of your skin?

Everyone's skins is a different color. Your skin color varies based on your race and your family genes and the traits you receive from your parents. Most skin colors are pale, white, tan, brown, or dark black. Have you ever heard of any other skin colors like orange, purple, or even blue. Well I have come across blue people. In Kentucky there is a family there that has blue skin. This did not happen by them dying their skin it is passed through their genes it is hereditary. The blue people were form Appalachian that was isolated form everyone else. The family had a hereditary blood disorder called methemoglobinemia. This disorder was caused my a decreased level of oxygen given to tissues. This caused there blood to be brown which gave their skin a blue color. To get this disorder you would have to inherit two genes which means you would have to receive one trait from each parent. The way they keep this going was they would marry within there family and have children, so first cousins would marry each other or there aunts and uncles to pass it along.