Thursday, October 3, 2013

Walruses affected by Global Warming

As ice began to melt in Alaska, walruses are starting to crowd together on the Alaskan beach. The walruses are moving due to the climate warming. The beach is 700 miles from Anchorage were the change in global warming is melting their habitats (ice floes). Close to 10,000 walruses crammed together on the tiny beach. The number of walruses has change rapidly. Walruses weigh up to 3,700 pounds which is a lot of weight on such a tiny surface. September 12th there was 2,000 to 4,000 walruses on the beach, about a week and a half later the number doubled. With big crowds like this they can be easily scared and they will move to a different location to feel safe. While doing this they leave the younger walruses behind and they are often killed. Where the walruses is moving to there are gray whales calves.


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