Friday, December 13, 2013

Francois Jacob says "Nature is a excellent tinker, not a divine artificer."

Francois Jacob says "Nature is a excellent tinker, not a divine artificer." This means that nature will make you change somethings to survive but it is not perfect and may not even be needed to change in some cases. With the pandas thumb it is a contrivance in which it is modified for new use. The pandas thumb is not like human thumbs but it helps the panda eat the bamboo around him or her. This is like were it says in the quote that nature is a tinker. The panda body changed to survive and feed its self. Just like the orchids they trap insects and pollen so they can be fertilized and make other orchids. This is a new method so they can survive and reproduce.

Thursday, December 12, 2013


Tarsiers are haplorrhine primates and are aprart of the Tarsiidae  family. The live on the islands of Southeast Asia. They are small with huge eyes. Each eyeball is 16 mm in diameter, it is also as big as its own brain. They have long hind legs with long tarsus bones for feet. This is where they get there name. They use there long arms and legs for clinging and leaping. There body is 10 to 15 cm long, but there hind legs are about twice that size. Their fingers are also elongated, with the third finger being about the same length as the upper arm. All fingers have nails, but the second and third toes of the hind feet bear claws instead, which are used for grooming. Tarsiers have very soft fur which is buff, beige or ochre in color. Tarsiers lack any tooth-comb, and their dental formula. Tarsiers lack a light-reflecting area (tapetum lucidum) of the eye and have a fovea. They are carnivorous and catch insects by jumping on them. They usually eat birds, snakes, lizards, and bats.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Blue-footed Booby

The Blue-footed Booby is a marine bird in the Sulidae. They are found in the Galapagos Islands. This have ten different long-winged seabird species. There are six different kinds of boobies. These birds was found by Charles Darwin. These birds are know by there blue feet which is used as a sexually selected trait. During mating time the male birds perform a dance in front of the female birds to get them to mate with them. The males lift there feet up and down and move around to do there dance. The blue-footed booby mate in tropical and subtropical islands of the Pacific Ocean. The female birds are bigger than the male bird. They eat fish which causes them to dive and swim underwater. They do lay eggs they lay one to three at a time.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Metasepia pfefferi

Metasepia pfefferi is a type of cuttlefish. This type of cuttlefish is poisonous.  They have short board but blade like arms . they have sucker on them that are in rows of four. They are also used for fertilization. When they mate it is called hectocotylus. The suckers also help with walking on the ocean floor. Most of them grow 8 to 6 cm long. They have a cuttle-bone which is hard, brittle internal structure and internal shell. It is a chambered, gas-filled shell used for buoyancy control. Its cuttle-bone is small compared to other cuttlefish. Even though it appearances to look rough it is smooth. They are active during they day. They hunt and eat fish and crustaceans. They are able to hide from pry and scare them off. They have a pattern of black, dark brown, and white, with yellow patches around the mantle, arms, and eyes. The arm tips often display bright red coloration to ward off would-be predators. The skin of the M. pfefferi contains the poisonous toxins.

Orchid Mantis

The orchid mantis get its name from looking like a flower- orchid. The orchid mantis is still a praying mantis. On the legs of the orchid mantis it looks like flower petals. The color of the mantis are mostly white and pink and some what purplish. The females are about 6 cm long and have six body segments. They have the ability to fly. They live for about eight months. The females are very aggressive and are kept to themselves except when it is time for they to mate. The males are smaller than the females. They are 2.5 to 3 cm long and have eight body segments. They live for about five to six months. They also can fly and they mature faster than the females do. The females begins to mate and a couple of days after mating they lay there eggs. Five to six weeks later the eggs hatch. At first they are red and black. They will feed on small insects. The adults will eat insects and small lizards.