Tarsiers are haplorrhine primates and are aprart of the Tarsiidae family. The live on the islands of Southeast Asia. They are small with huge eyes. Each eyeball is 16 mm in diameter, it is also as big as its own brain. They have long hind legs with long tarsus bones for feet. This is where they get there name. They use there long arms and legs for clinging and leaping. There body is 10 to 15 cm long, but there hind legs are about twice that size. Their fingers are also elongated, with the third finger being about the same length as the upper arm. All fingers have nails, but the second and third toes of the hind feet bear claws instead, which are used for grooming. Tarsiers have very soft fur which is buff, beige or ochre in color. Tarsiers lack any tooth-comb, and their dental formula.
Tarsiers lack a light-reflecting area (tapetum lucidum) of the eye and have a fovea. They are carnivorous and catch insects by jumping on them. They usually eat birds, snakes, lizards, and bats.
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/b/ba/Bohol.tarsier_jtlimphoto.JPG |
http://www.tarsier.com/tarsier.jpg |