Monday, December 9, 2013

Orchid Mantis

The orchid mantis get its name from looking like a flower- orchid. The orchid mantis is still a praying mantis. On the legs of the orchid mantis it looks like flower petals. The color of the mantis are mostly white and pink and some what purplish. The females are about 6 cm long and have six body segments. They have the ability to fly. They live for about eight months. The females are very aggressive and are kept to themselves except when it is time for they to mate. The males are smaller than the females. They are 2.5 to 3 cm long and have eight body segments. They live for about five to six months. They also can fly and they mature faster than the females do. The females begins to mate and a couple of days after mating they lay there eggs. Five to six weeks later the eggs hatch. At first they are red and black. They will feed on small insects. The adults will eat insects and small lizards.

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